Continue with Misc bird..... but end
* To clear 50D and 500mm picture....
Canon 50D + 500mm/600mm + 1.4TC
Pygmy Wren Babbler 小鳞[胸]鹪鹛 F11, ISO400, 1/30s, fill flash
Rufous Vented Niltava 苏门答腊仙鹟 F6.3, ISO640, 1/40s, fill flash
Coral Billed Ground Cuckoo F8, ISO1000, 1/125s flash off
Asian Emerald Cuckoo 翠金鹃 F8, ISO400, 1/125s fill flash
Scaly Breasted Bulbul 鳞胸鹎 F8, ISO800, 1/80s, fill flash
Spotted Redshanks 鹤鹬 F8, ISO400, 1/1600s flash off
Indian Shag 印度鸬鹚 F8, ISO400, 1/800s flash off
Snowy Browed Flycatcher 棕胸蓝[姬]鹟 F5.6, ISO800, 1/50s, fill flash
Large Niltava 大仙鹟 F6.3, ISO640, 1/125s, fill flash